13 Original Clan Mothers - Monthly Book Club (One Chapter every New Moon for 13 Moons)

ONLINE via Zoom - dates vary monthly according to new moon.

This book club meetings take place on the closest Sundays to the 13 new moons of the year, at 7 pm ET (Toronto/New York), starting January 14, 2024. See the event page katesutherland.ca/wild-women-reading-book-club for a list of exact dates.

The 13 Original Clan Mothers by Jamie Sams is a richly nourishing and empowering discovery journey for the Sacred Feminine, both for the collective and for the individual. Let's experience the wisdom of these teachings together, and imbue it with our own.

We will meet monthly via Zoom to discuss each chapter in turn.

Membership for the journey is a one-time payment of $45 for the year.